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  • 02 Apr. 2018

Car Rental in Nepal

Car Rental in Nepal. It was the great year of 2016 when I finally decided to travel back to my home country Nepal. I had lots of plans in my mind but because of the time limitation, I decided only to travel to a few best places out of the Kathmandu valley. Everything was going according to the plan, but I was not sure about the car rental provision in Nepal. Never thought it would have been so easy to turn this around. Back in the days car renting in Nepal used to be a bit difficult. I don’t remember exactly but due to the limited number of vehicles with just a few options we used to have lots of difficulties in renting the type of car we wanted.

Realized things have changed quite a bit. Now you have so many vehicles in Nepal, actually too many. Traffic went bad to worst with a lot of people sheltering inside the valley. The demand of the vehicle must have gone up tremendously due to increasing population. But it was good in a way that a lot of people travel out of the valley during festival seasons. The demands for more vehicles were on the rise.

In present days car renting has become so much easier in Nepal. All I had to do was browse one of the car rental websites and rent it. It was that simple. The first trip in Nepal started with my family to Pokhara. We rented a seven-seater from the Kathmandu valley to Pokhara. The trip was well planned out. We had one of the best drivers in the vehicle. He not only knew how to speak Nepali but also was very fluent in speaking English. In fact, he was a graduate from one of the reputed colleges in Nepal. Now this was very surprising to me because back in old days most drivers were not well educated. This guy was not only educated but also well-trained on how to drive in difficult Nepal roads. That was simply amazing and gave us so much of confidence to ride in the vehicle he was driving. I felt safe with my family while we were travelling.

Everything was going so smoothly but unfortunately, the vehicle broke down post lunch and when we had resumed toward our destination. I thought that was it. All the excitement with the car renting in Nepal was after all, coming to an end. I was wrong. Within 20 minutes we were presented with a similar vehicle with the same luxury going to Pokhara. I was speechless. This was a kind of service that I did not hope for. We thought that we were going to be with that broken vehicle forever. Later I came to know that they had business branched in multiple locations all over Nepal. They managed to get the second vehicle from one of the closer branches within 20 minutes. That was not only it. The driver of the second vehicle offered us a discount on the total cost of the car rental. He said that we had to wait for 20 minutes which was completely `their fault. That was just amazing. I was very much impressed by the service of the agent. We finally reached Pokhara in next 2 hours or so. But it was more fun because the second driver sang songs for us to entertain until we reached Pokhara.
Nepal has changed in terms of doing business and providing services in the last few years. My experience with the car rental in Nepal was excellent. I would never have thought such a wonderful trip to Pokhara with such good services. If you are travelling to Nepal soon and have plans to travel outside the Kathmandu valley, I will definitely recommend renting a vehicle because the rental services have never been better.


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